Saturday, April 30, 2016

Swoon Worthy

Here it is friends, the first Swoon Worthy post, post baby or PT (Post Theo), as I am lovingly referring to it.

If you read my previous post, you are probably aware that it is nothing short of a miracle that I am even able to post anything at the moment... My kids are all on opposite napping schedules these days (if they nap at all), and the youngest one is a party-all-night kinda guy, so the time frame I have to write is minimal lately... but miracles do happen folks, so here's what I'm swooning over at the moment...

1.  Now that I am finally able to shop some non-maternity styles, I am swooning hard over this top.

2.  Cinco De Mayo is coming right up, and my sweet friend Kristy is sharing some awesome Tex-Mex recipes on her blog.

3.  You guys, I love pretty much everything that Sherry and John (of Young House Love) do, and it just so happens that I also love adult coloring books, this one is on my must-buy list!

4.  Current obsession... this eye brow mascara.

5.  I am slowly starting to get back into the swing of exercising again... this mama is my go-to for great, quick and free, workouts that you can do at home!

7.  I adore anything that reminds me of my babies... especially if I can wear it. I can't get enough of my custom made necklace from this shop!

8.  I LOVE everything from Mrs Meyers, but I'm really loving this new stuff and this stuff too!

9.  Last night we made the best Cobb Salad for dinner (Inspired by the one I saw over on @henandco's Instagram feed)... and we topped it with this salad dressing that we just picked up the other day.  Bacon really does make everything better!

10.  My favorite season is upon us... time to bust out the floral maxi dresses!

Hoping you all have an amazing weekend... I'm just hoping for a nap!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

He's Here... A little update

If you didn't already know, we welcomed baby number three, our sweet Theodore "Theo" James, into the world on April 11th... Hence the radio silence here on the blog.

{swaddle blanket c/o KB Cute Designs)

I fully intend to share his birth story, along with a slew of other posts, that I've been working on in my mind (think Ella's big girl room reveal, a fun DIY project, essential items for the nursing mom, more Swoon Worthy posts, etc.) as soon as I adjust to this crazy life with three kids, ages three and under (even as I type that, it still seems surreal).

I am totally missing blogging/writing so much at the moment, but I have to admit... life is chaotic right now, and I can barely make time to eat or take a shower, so the blog has to be put on the back burner while I soak up Theo's squishy newborn goodness, and make sure that M&E are still getting all of the attention that they both need and deserve.

I appreciate all of your sweet words and support throughout my pregnancy, at the time of Theo's arrival, and always. I am overwhelmed by the kindness of our family, friends, and even people I have never met in the "real world".  You guys are the best, and the reason I'm inspired to keep doing what I do!

I can't wait to dive back into things, but in the meantime, you can always follow along on Instagram or over on Snapchat (@kozyandco for both)!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Final Bumpdate

I was hopeful that by this point, I would no longer be writing about my baby bump, and that I would have willingly moved on to posting about an actual baby... one that we had happily welcomed into the outside world, and that I was finally able to hold in my arms as I tried to type away on my laptop.

By this time in my first two pregnancies, I was already back home with my sweet little bundles, so naturally I assumed that baby number three would be making an early entrance into the world as well... however, seeing as I am a day away from being 40 weeks pregnant, it has become obvious, that that will not be the case this time around.

I have been trying anything and everything in terms of inducing labor... old wives tales, things that seemed to work for me in the past, and what the medical professionals have told me to do in order to get things "moving along".  Spicy food, long walks, squats, bouncing on an exercise ball, among other things... you name it, I've tried it, and yet this baby still seems content to remain on the inside.

So, here I am, writing my final "bumpdate", and what I'm hoping will be my last blog post Pre-Baby K3 (as my witty cousin has so appropriately nicknamed him).

It's probably pretty obvious at this point that I feel beyond HUGE.  The fact that my 3 year old has to help me put my socks on, and that my maternity shirts are all quickly becoming crop tops, are clear indicators of that. I can no longer wear my wedding rings to bed, because if I do, I wake up with sausage fingers that feel like they are being strangled by pretty diamond bands.  My feet and legs have not yet become swollen, so at least there's that (glass is half full perspective).

As far as cravings go at this point... there aren't many.  My appetite is quickly dwindling due to lack of space for food.  I'm living off of popsicles and cereal these days, and hopeful that this diet will help jumpstart some sort of post-baby weight loss.  I am forcing myself to eat some incredibly spicy, heartburn inducing, foods though, since I swear to this day, that chipotle peppers in adobo sauce are what put me into labor with Max.  No such luck thus far.

A good night's sleep is getting harder and harder to come by, as it's nearly impossible to get comfortable, and I am up every few hours to use the restroom.  As you can imagine, my husband is loving being roommates these days!

At my last Doctor's appointment (almost a week ago now), I was still sitting pretty at 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced, where I had been for the past 2 appointments... however I feel confident in saying that if I do make it to my appointment this coming Friday, I have a good feeling that things have progressed at least a little bit (pray for me).

In all seriousness though... complaining, whining and moaning aside... as much as I would prefer for this pregnancy to reach an end point, I am trying to be patient.  I'm savoring the kicks (even though I am enduring some pretty swift blows as of late), loving the sweet belly kisses from M&E, and relishing the joys of growing a human, because I am fully aware from experience, that once this bump is gone, I will long for it again in the future.

From here on out, I am putting my faith in God and His timing, and know full well, that when our little guy is ready to arrive, he undoubtedly will.  I am certain that as soon as he does, the frequent bathroom trips, dreadful heartburn, and overall discomfort will all be a distant memory.

Baby K3, we are so ready to meet you... whenever you decide you are ready!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Think Happy, Be Happy | A Link-Up

"Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is." -Mandy Hale 

Hello friends! This link party was created as a way to create some inspiration and happiness as we begin our week. It can be hard to find the happiness in our day to day, and I believe it truly does help to take a second to find the positive. Please take a second to visit all of my wonderful co-hosts who will be sharing this link party as well!
I am so excited to be joining in with some of my favorite bloggers again today, for this weekly link party.  I am a huge believer that making an effort to think positively, and then spreading that joy and happiness to others, truly helps all of us to focus on what really matters in life.

It is so easy sometimes, to get caught up in negative thoughts and feelings we have, and to focus on what is going wrong in our own lives and in the world around us, but when you take the time to think about the things you have to be thankful for, for what you've been blessed with, both you and the people around you can truly reap the benefits...

So, what am I feeling truly thankful for and happy about this Monday???

I know it might sound cliche, but today I am feeling particularly thankful for my family's health.

Last week, Max caught a nasty cough and was fighting off a fever.  As much as I love the extra snuggles that I seem to get from my kids when they are not feeling well, I hate to see them suffer.  It's always so sad.

Thankfully, at this point, Ella seems to be feeling well, and even though I have caught a little bit of this yucky cough, overall, I'm feeling pretty good... which is important, since I have a baby to give birth to at any moment!

I am also thankful for the timing of this illness.  I was really feeling anxious last week, that if the new baby came, M&E would not be able to come visit us in the hospital, because they are particularly strict on the maternity floor about people who are ill being around the babies, and because naturally, that would be a concern for me as well.

Now if our little guy decides to join us this week we'll all be able to celebrate in good health!

What are you feeling thankful for or happy about today!  Feel free to join in and link up with us!

Think Happy Be Happy Link Party

Rules of the Party:

  • Leave a link to your actual post and not your homepage. A link back to your host, is greatly appreciated. Feel free to grab our link party button to add to your post.
  • Please link up only your happiness related posts.
  • Don’t link up and run, please visit other bloggers. Make new friends or say hello to old friends.
  • Please follow your hosts and guest hosts in some way.
  • Have fun with your posts! I truly hope it helps with starting your week off on a positive note!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Swoon Worthy

{picture from Homegoods}

We're off to a bit of a late start around here this morning... sadly, no, it's not because I am in labor... yet anyways... but it's certainly not for lack of trying to get things started.

Max hasn't been feeling so hot and has been keeping us up the last few nights with an awful cough, and I am just so beyond pregnant at this point, that we're all moving a little bit more slowly.

My mother in law has been here with us this past week, and it has been a pure slice of Heaven.  She has read M&E a gazillion books, taken them on walks to the park, given them their baths, played "red light, green light" too many times to count, and on top of all of that, done my dishes, folded my laundry, and allowed me to get some very much needed rest.  The woman is my hero right now, and we will be sad to see her go... especially before our little man arrives, since he seems to be taking his sweet time.

With all of that being said, I finally found the time to sit down at my computer and share the list of things that I am currently swooning over.  So here we go...

1.  This facial cleanser is my latest obsession... really, I love the whole line, but this stuff is truly amazing.

2.  How cool is this super simple recipe for unicorn bark? I need to make this with my kids ASAP.

3.  I've had a lot of friends ask me for book recommendations lately, and although I haven't had much time to read recently, my first instinct is always to say anything by Liane Moriarty... I absolutely loved this book, this one, and this one too.

4.  I know I have posted about these lettuce wraps before, but we had them for dinner again this past week, and they are so good, I just had to share them again.

5.  Um... do these espadrilles come in my size?

6.  These days, I honestly can't live without this stuff.  Washing my hair everyday?  I ain't got time for that!

7.  Weekends call for waffle bars... which is just what we indulged in this morning!

8.  I can't wait for this baby to arrive so we can test out these pacifiers and these amazing pacifier clips.

9.  Peanut butter s'mores pie... drop the mic, that is all.

10.  I know, I know... another throw blanket.  I have an addiction, I cannot be stopped.

Hoping you all have a lovely weekend!

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