Thursday, January 29, 2015

(Random) Thoughts For Thursday

I'm sure by now, most of you are used to my totally random posts where I ramble on and on about anything and everything that we have going on around here... Let me just assure you, this post is no exception.

our backyard

We've been having quite the week.  Seeing as it looks like the photo you see above outside, winter hibernation mode is in full effect.  With the exception of a quick jaunt to Trader Joe's and Target yesterday, the kids and I haven't really left the house.

I'm not sure when I became such a wimp about snow, but it happened, and now I can't seem to be bothered to go out in it, unless it is absolutely necessary (obviously a trip to Target is always absolutely necessary and justified).

Anyhow, I guess I kind of just wanted to share a little bit of what we've been up to, as I'm sure you're all just dying to know how we've been passing the time.

For the most part, this week has looked kind of like this...

Toys everywhere, crazy hair, pajamas all day long, and lots and lots of snacks.

We did however, manage to get out and play in the snow for a bit the other day, which as you can guess from the photo below, Max LOVED, and Ella was less than impressed about.

We made snow cream, which I neglected to photograph, so let's just pretend that this photo is mine.

Despite the fact that we have literally gone nowhere, I've been making a valid effort with this whole "housewalking" thing (mentioned in a previous post).  It's actually kind of fun, and I'm finding that my fitbit is totally keeping me motivated to achieve, and even surpass my daily goals, which to me is impressive.  I've come to terms with the fact that I have to make the best of what I have to work with when it comes to exercising, and what I have to work with is not getting out of the house very often and having 2 little people constantly tugging at my pant legs.

In addition to the housewalking, I like to throw in a little workout dvd (when naptime allows for it) to spice things up from time to time. This one and this one are a couple of my favorites.

Last night I left the house completely on my own, a concept so foreign to me these days, that I felt pretty weird about it.

My sweet husband had signed me up for a pizza making class for one of my Christmas gifts.  Not to toot my own horn, but  I make a pretty mean homemade pizza... Still, I'm always up for improving my domestic skills, so I was pretty psyched about going.

I'm pretty sure that this was generally the type of class we should have taken together or that you take with a group of girlfriends, but off I went, and being that I'm not super shy and there was wine involved, I quickly made friends, and had a blast.

I actually learned a thing or 2, the pizza came out amazing, and it was an overall fabulous experience.

I drove home high on the spell of San Marzano tomatoes and fresh basil, while jamming out to Taylor Swift... I'm rarely in the car alone, so this was a total treat.

Naturally, Mike reaped the benefits of my attending the class, when I arrived home with 2 freshly cooked pizzas.

Today, I've been using my scrap yarn to whip up a bunch of these little hearts, that I plan to use to make a garland to hang on our mantle for Valentine's Day.  This is the pattern I have been using and it's super simple and fast, so I was able to bust out a bunch of these in no time at all.

Other than that, I currently have our dinner (with a paleo twist) going in the crockpot.  If it turns out as well as I'm hoping, I promise to share the details!

That's about all of the randomness I have for now, and probably more than you can handle.  If you want to keep up with all of the recipes, crafts, and other random stuff I find on pinterest, please feel free to follow me.  There is a link on the top right side of this page.

Hope you're all having a great week!

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